The 100 Oldest Cayman Funds (Offshore Hedge Funds) Listed

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By Simon Kerr and Hedge Fund Insight staff In 1994 the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority introduced a registration regime for mutual funds established on the islands. Most Cayman Islands Mutual Funds are engaged in hedge fund strategies, many are offshore versions of domestic (US) hedge funds (LLPs). As the concept of hedge fund strategies was adopted […] Read more »

Activism’s New Rules

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By Montieth M. Illingworth, president of Montieth & Company   There it was in black and white in none other than The New York Times. Quotes from the CEO of DowDuPont, followed by ones from a line up of shareholders echoing the sentiment, that all is now actually much better for the company. The breakup once […] Read more »

The Year in Activism Infographic

From Activist Insight   related content: Consultant Verus Negative on Outlook for Event Driven Hedge Funds (Jan 2017) Can Activism Survive A Down Market? (March 2016) John Paulson on the Benefits of Activism (Dec 2010)   Read more »

The Activist Top Ten

From Activist Insight   In The Activist Investing Annual Review 2014, Activist Insight looked at which activists created the biggest splash in 2013. Using its unique database, the company gave each of these well-known activists a ranking for categories such as the number of new investments in 2013, the average size of these investments, and […] Read more »