The Year in Activism Infographic

From Activist Insight   related content: Consultant Verus Negative on Outlook for Event Driven Hedge Funds (Jan 2017) Can Activism Survive A Down Market? (March 2016) John Paulson on the Benefits of Activism (Dec 2010)   Read more »

Global Macro and CTAs Outperform Again In November

From Global Asset Management   Global equity markets continued on their upward trend from mid-October, finishing November up 2.1%, as measured by the MSCI World index in US dollars. US Treasuries and core European bonds also rallied.  Against this backdrop, coupled with a strong US dollar and downward trending oil prices, hedge funds performed positively. […] Read more »

Commodities To Roll Over One By One

By Richard Edwards, Managing Director of HED Capital As reported, the main commodity index that we follow made a weekly-scale top extension a few weeks ago. Here is an update: We have commented several times that this will probably lead to a rolling over of commodity prices as one by one they stall and fall. […] Read more »

High Probability Of Big Turn In Equities According To HED Capital

By Richard Edwards, Managing Director of HED Capital There is a large three-day turn cluster in equities that is due to start today the 9th April and which is at its densest on Friday, the 11th April – this is the most likely date in the cluster for a high or low point to be […] Read more »

Energy Complex Suffers From Price Compression Leading To Breaks Down

By Richard Edwards, Managing Director of HED Capital Energy prices are moving down. We have seen a series of compressions, all of which have now broken down. The exception remains the compression in Rbob gasoline as it is at a weekly scale and so we cannot tell until Friday’s close whether it too has broken. […] Read more »