Feeling the Burn – How Emerging Hedge Funds Should Prioritise Spending


By Diane Harrison, principal of Panegyric Marketing   As another year draws to a close, emerging hedge fund managers wrestle with how to grow their business to the next level, including how to survive another year of cutthroat competition for attracting investors. While the answers to this riddle can be numerous and complex, I thought […] Read more »

Social Media Is No Longer Optional, Even For Managers Of Private Funds

By Krysten Merriman, Marketing Director of Meyler Capital   We hear plenty of objections from asset managers about why they don’t think social media is relevant to their business. For example: “Our target market isn’t on social media.” Oh really? You may be surprised to hear that the fastest growing demographic on twitter is the […] Read more »

Today’s Top 5 Compliance Issues For Hedge Funds

By Martin Herriot, Managing Director at Newgate Compliance   It has been a challenging few years for the European hedge fund industry following the financial crisis and the European regulators attempts to revolutionise the regulatory regime for supervising the industry. From a UK compliance perspective we see the top issues falling under two headings – […] Read more »

The Hedge Fund HOT 100 2014

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    By Staff Writers of Hedge Fund Insight, led by Simon Kerr   Welcome to the second edition of The Hedge Fund Hot 100. As last year the aim is to capture what is emerging and trending and growing in the hedge fund industry. The absolute is interesting, and it is covered elsewhere in […] Read more »

Time Is Tight For FFIs To Prepare For FATCA Compliance

By Karen Wallace, Global Head of Compliance Apex Fund Services The IRS on-line registration portal went ‘live’ on 1 January this year and Foreign Financial Institutions (“FFIs”) should now be preparing to register with the IRS to obtain a Global Intermediary Identification Number (“GIIN”). FFIs must register with the IRS to obtain a GIIN by […] Read more »

Fixed Income Signals: A Red Alert for Compliance and Valuations?

by Deborah Prutzman, The Regulatory Fundamentals Group The SEC recently issued guidance about risk management in the fixed income market in light of the prospect of the Fed tapering its quantitative easing program and triggering a rise in interest rates. It noted that the net assets of bond funds are at “near-historic highs” with much […] Read more »

Hedge Funds Need To Submit AIFM Applications To the FCA Well In Advance

By Anthony Rawlins, Compliance Manager at Moore Stephens We have recently had an update on the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) transitional arrangements. While the deadline extension is good news for those firms that have yet to prepare their AIFM variation of permissions, this development should not be viewed as a disincentive to act […] Read more »

Hedge Fund Middle Office Must Get Extra Attention

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By Leigh Walters, Global Head of Sales, Omgeo The middle office operations of European hedge funds, where trades between counterparties are matched and confirmed, has historically received little investment from hedge funds when compared to the front office spending, as well as little attention from investors, regulators or board members. However, post- global financial crisis, […] Read more »

SEC Preview Top Hedge Fund Enforcement Trends for 2013

By Perrie Michael Weiner, Patrick Hunnius and Stephanie Smith of DLA Piper   In a recent speech* before the Regulatory Compliance Association, Bruce Karpati, Chief of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Enforcement Division’s Asset Management Unit, suggested where the SEC may be heading regarding hedge fund oversight in the months to come. Mr. Karpati both […] Read more »

Spike In UK Regulatory Costs Coming

by DLA Piper and BDO   A new research report entitled ‘The new twin peaks model: A report on the financial services industry’s views on upcoming regulatory issues’ by DLA Piper and BDO has raised concerns about the impact of the new twin peaks structure, with the creation of the two new bodies – the […] Read more »