Graphic of The Day: Dispersion of Sharpe Ratios In Alternative Mutual Funds

From AlphaCore Capital Today’s graphic comes from AlphaCore Capital LLC, a registered Investment Advisor from La Jolla California, and has been put together by Jonathan Belanger, CFA, the Director of Research. It was intended to show that using average returns is not an appropriate approach to working with alternative investment strategies. Dispersion of Sharpe Ratios […] Read more »

Crowding in Event Driven of Concern to Investors According to GAM

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From Global Asset Management   Global themes regained strength in May: global macro and event driven managers led the hedge fund pack   May proved a choppy month across asset classes with investor attention focused on issues such as US growth concerns and the Greek solvency question. The US Dollar index was up 2.4%, US […] Read more »

Macro Drives the Month & Quarter

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By Global Asset Management   Although the MSCI World index declined 1.8% in March, the real story was about equity dispersion, currencies and central bank policy.  In equities, dispersion of returns by geography continued in March, with equities rallying in China, Europe and Japan while selling off in the US. In currencies, the US dollar […] Read more »

A Case For Convertible Bond Arbitrage In 2014

By Paul Sansome, Ferox Capital LLP Part One of this article discusses the main reasons to own convertible securities in the current environment. Part Two looks at why convertible bond arbitrage is an attractive investment strategy now.   Part One We see four main reasons to own convertibles: 1. Strong new issuance 2. Dispersion in […] Read more »

Normalisation of Correlation and Dispersion Gives Hedge Funds Opportunities

By Jeanne Asseraf-Bitton, Head of Cross Asset Research, Lyxor Asset Management   Risk assets are set to generate positive returns for the remainder of 2013 driven by a slowly expanding global economy and ultra accommodative monetary policy. We believe that the familiar pattern from the last three years of 2Q data disappointment and consequent risk […] Read more »