By Diane Harrison, principal of Panegyric Marketing Jonathan Swift, one of the great satirists of all time, published a disturbing and provocative essay, ‘A Modest Proposal,’ in 1729 suggesting a unique and terrible solution to Ireland’s famine crisis. In his piece, Swift recommended cannibalism as a wholesale solution to Ireland’s struggles with overpopulation, starvation, […] Read more »
Bleak House (or The Outlook for Hedge Funds)
By Diane Harrison, principal of Panegyric Marketing Charles Dickens’ Bleak House spins a tale of mystery, intrigue, family dynamics, and irony in the Victorian age that had readers gripped by its indictment of the English court system. While the novel is packed with intricate plot twists and turns, the main story line centers on the contested will case of […] Read more »
Five Supports For A Positive Hedge Fund Outlook in 2015
By Diane Harrison, principal of Panegyric Marketing Every year, Preqin publishes their annual review of the hedge fund industry, 120-plus pages of comprehensive data and analyses providing a detailed look at the industry’s make up. According their website, Preqin is the alternative assets industry’s leading source of data and intelligence. Our products and services […] Read more »