Into the Mind of a Macro Manager – with Archbridge Capital

Strategic 4

By Hakan Kocayusufpasaoglu, CIO of Archbridge Capital, with an introduction by Simon Kerr   Introduction Some hedge fund strategies are more difficult to engage with than others. Most investors could understand what equity hedge funds do, but other strategies can be difficult (like volatility arbitrage) or just opaque (like most high end CTAs). Global macro […] Read more »

Why The Vast Majority of Hedge Funds Underperformed Indices

By Dr. Harold Ehrlich, CFA, Ehrlich Associates, LLC Sad to say, the vast majority of all hedge funds worldwide have well underperformed virtually every major stock or bond index for some four years now.  Adding insult to injury, investors in such funds have paid 2% management fees and 20% of (paltry) profits for the privilege […] Read more »