Carbon Tracker – Coal Caught in the EU Utility Death Spiral

From Carbon Tracker

Carbon Tracher June infographic

This Infographic is derived from the Carbon Tracker’s new report which analyses the EU’s largest 5 power generators: Électricité de France (EDF), GDF Suez, Enel, E.ON and RWE, who collectively represent nearly 60% of Europe’s electricity generation, during the period between 2008 and 2013 to help understand:

  • why they lost so much value
  • whether new coal production is viable in Europe

In the context of this report Carbon Tracker offers two recommendations:

  • New German coal plant economics don’t add up – shareholders should challenge utilities proposing new plants in OECD markets. In the report we focus on the Moorburg coal plant as a case study.
  • European utilities need a new business model/structure to reflect the changing market conditions.

You can view the report here: Coal: Caught in the EU Utility Death Spiral