Twitter users took to social media to offer a humorous look at what to expect now that the Securities and Exchange Commission decided to lift a long-standing ban on marketing and promoting private funds. Here is a selection of the offerings:
Barry Ritholtz @ritholtz 10 Jul
Sometimes you feel like a derivative re-hypothecated security, sometimes you don’t.
RT @RobBartenstein:
I don’t always pay for underperformance, but when I do, I pay 2 and 20.
Paweł Morski @Pawelmorski 10 Jul
I’m short your house
“I can’t believe it’s not Pershing Square!” – ad for Tilson’s Kase Capital
Barry Ritholtz @ritholtz 10 Jul
Because you can only make so much money at Goldman Sachs!
Barry Ritholtz @ritholtz 10 Jul
Because trophy wives are expensive
Put your life in the hands of someone whose whole life is a tax break
Chris Adams @chrisadamsmkts 10 Jul
Eight out of ten cats prefer cash
Really, it’s better for everyone if you don’t know how we mix the special sauce.
Our black box can beat up your black box.
Downtown Josh Brown @ReformedBroker 10 Jul
I’m a Tepper, You’re a Tepper
Barry Ritholtz @ritholtz 10 Jul
Come for the high fees, stay for the under-performance
LargeCapTrader @largecaptrader1 10 Jul
“I don’t always invest in hedge funds, but when i do its Pershing Square”
Our Indexers Are Out Of The Closet
We Achieve Alpha .. the old fashioned way ..crazy leverage
Shush Yaz @Raven_Trader11 10 Jul
Helping under-funded pensions stay that way
John Melloy @CNBCMelloy 10 Jul
“Please don’t squeeze the Ackman.”
Brad Holsinger @CBHolsinger 10 Jul
Trust us, the fees are worth it. (In yen terms).
Leave The Frontrunning To Us!
Timothy Connolly CFA @SconsetCapital 10 Jul
SAC Capital: You’ve Tried All The Rest, Now Try The Best!!!
RT @Hooper_Quant:
You can’t buy 600k 5 yr put spreads, but we can
Jamie Cox @jamesacoxiii 10 Jul
Two and twentysomethings
This Is Not Your Father’s Leveraged Vehicle
Timothy Connolly CFA @SconsetCapital
A fee is a terrible thing to waste.
We’re closed to new investors
Also sprach Analyst @theanalyst_hk
I buy fire insurance on your house
Throwing your money into a Black scHole since 1997
We hedge so you don’t have to
Downtown Josh Brown @ReformedBroker
Ho Ho Ho, Green Client
Good to the last drop