Seeding Deals Study From Seward & Kissel

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Seward & Kissel LLP’s Seed Transactions Deal Points Study draws from over 150 data points amassed over a five-year observation period. The Study identifies market trends and provides both quantitative data and qualitative explanations of the state of the seeding industry. The data illustrates the rise of seed deals year over year, with institutional seeders […] Read more »

Evidence Of A Floor To Hedge Fund Fees In Seward Kissel Study

From Seward & Kissel   Driven by our ongoing commitment to understanding the dynamics of the hedge fund marketplace and bringing the latest industry color to our clients and friends, each year Seward & Kissel conducts various studies of the most important trends we are seeing that are impacting the hedge fund community. This year, for […] Read more »

Importance of Funds of Funds to Newer Managers Evident in Seward Kissel Study

From Seward & Kissel   Driven by our ongoing commitment to understanding the dynamics of the hedge fund marketplace and bringing the latest industry color to our clients and friends, each year Seward & Kissel conducts various studies of the most important trends we are seeing that are impacting the hedge fund community. This year, for the second year in a […] Read more »

Cayman’s Share of World Hedge Funds Shrinks, Particularly For New Funds

By Hedge Fund Insight staff   Recent data releases from Eurekahedge show the increasing significance of onshore hedge funds, and the consequent relative decline of hedge funds registered offshore. Year by year Cayman Islands registered hedge funds took less share of the domiciles of funds launched.  This trend accelerated post 2008 to the extent that […] Read more »

Talent, PB Fees, and Middle Office Outsourcing Highlighted in E&Y HF Survey


By Hedge Fund Insight staff   One of the public services Hedge Fund Insight provides is mastication: HFI will chew over a major piece of work to give you the highlights. Each year Ernst & Young publish a Global Hedge Fund & Investor Survey*. As usual there were some interesting and surprising results in the […] Read more »

Seeders Becoming Much More Important To New Hedge Funds According To Study

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By Steve Nadel (lead author), Partner Seward & Kissel Investment Management Group   Introduction & Key Findings Driven by our ongoing commitment to understanding the dynamics of the hedge fund marketplace, each year Seward & Kissel conducts The Seward & Kissel New Hedge Fund Study of newly-formed hedge funds sponsored by new U.S.-based managers entering […] Read more »