The 100 Oldest Cayman Funds (Offshore Hedge Funds) Listed

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By Simon Kerr and Hedge Fund Insight staff In 1994 the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority introduced a registration regime for mutual funds established on the islands. Most Cayman Islands Mutual Funds are engaged in hedge fund strategies, many are offshore versions of domestic (US) hedge funds (LLPs). As the concept of hedge fund strategies was adopted […] Read more »

How Do Pension Plans Monitor Their Hedge Funds, For Example Florida SBA?


By Simon Kerr, Publisher of Hedge Fund Insight   The Florida State Board of Administration runs the  $141bn Florida Retirement System Pension Plan through an Investment Advisory Council. As a public body it’s papers are available online, and an exploration of the material gives an insight into the way large pension plans, and State sponsored plans in […] Read more »

Tom Sandell Takes The Bermuda Reinsurance Route

Sandell lead article

By Hedge Fund Insight staff   Sandell Asset Management Corp. recently sponsored the launch of Sandell Re, a Bermuda based reinsurance company that can invest in the firm’s global event driven investment strategy, which will be managed in a separately managed account with an investment objective substantially similar to Sandell Asset Management’s main hedge funds. […] Read more »

Hedge Fund Sidecars Disrupt Reinsurance Market


By Brian Schneider and Matthew Noll of Fitch Ratings   The expansion of alternative capital sources within the reinsurance market is likely to contribute to lower returns on equity across the reinsurance sector and sustain the market’s M&A wave, particularly among Bermudan firms, says Fitch Ratings. Alternative sources of capital push the sector’s capitalization levels […] Read more »

The Hedge Fund HOT 100 2014

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    By Staff Writers of Hedge Fund Insight, led by Simon Kerr   Welcome to the second edition of The Hedge Fund Hot 100. As last year the aim is to capture what is emerging and trending and growing in the hedge fund industry. The absolute is interesting, and it is covered elsewhere in […] Read more »

A Polite Request From AQR’s Cliff Asness

By Cliff Asness, Managing Principal of AQR Capital Management   I Would Politely Request People Stop Saying These Things:   “It’s a stock picker’s market.” I don’t know  what it means to say, “It’s a stock picker’s market.” It may mean the whole market isn’t going straight up now so you have to make your […] Read more »

Top Hedge Funds Not Yet Engaged With Social Media For Brand Building

By Simon Kerr, Publisher of Hedge Fund Insight When at last the SEC ruled in July that the 80-odd year old ban on general solicitation and advertising of private placements was lifted there was much prognostication on what that could mean for hedge funds. Already 40 Act Funds were being run by hedge fund management […] Read more »

AQR is the Hedge Fund with the Largest Gains of SWF Assets

AQR Capital Management was unusual in getting two citations in the inaugural Hedge Fund Hot 100 (see, entries 60 and 55), and further confirmation of the high status of the firm has just been shown by the work of the “Pensions & Investments” Research Centre. The magazine for institutional investors put together the Top […] Read more »

UK Tax Plans Snare Big US Hedge Funds – Graphic of the Day

Last week the “Financial Times ” ran a story that the UK tax authorities (HM Revenue & Customs) were looking to tackle the disguising of employment relationships through limited liability partnership structures and the manipulation of profit and loss allocations to achieve tax advantages. The Table Below Shows 15 of the largest 25 hedge fund […] Read more »

Most Frequently Shorted UK Shares

By Simon Kerr The FSA has been gathering information on the short positions held by investors for some time – it has been part of the Hedge Fund Survey for several years.  During the Credit Crunch a disclosure regime for significant net short positions in the stocks of UK financial sector companies was introduced, and […] Read more »