By Mauro D’Andrea, and Simon Kerr
Statistics are some of most powerful tools in the marketing world. Write a statement, and everyone who reads it will think it’s just your opinion (or your experience). Add stats to that statement and everyone will recognize what you said as an objective truth. Stats are very powerful when it comes to build trust.
Stats can do even more. For example, try to open your manager letter with an astonishing data and you’ll notice that many more people will read the text as well as check the performance table. It’s because stats grab people’s attention, especially when they are funny, astonishing or they talk about hot topics.
Investors in hedge funds are all time constrained, and human resources at funds of hedge funds can be very stretched. So if you can get an existing client to linger on your website then that shows that your website is becoming more engaging and hopefully effective in explaining what you do. Do you take your own website seriously? Do you check stats like pageviews per visitor, average visit duration or bounce rate?
The statistics about internet marketing given below you may find useful to apply to your own website, or your own e-mail marketing campaigns for your hedge fund. Overwhelmingly the best marketing tool is an excellent return series, but even those need the push from effective marketing to turn them into a client meeting. These are hints to make your messages stickier.
- Email opens on smartphones and tablets have increased 80% over the last six months (Source: Litmus)
- Blogs give sites 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links (Source: ContentPLUS)
- Using videos on landing pages can increase conversions by 86% (Source: EyeView)
- The average click through rate from banner advertising is 2.1% (Source: Prestige Marketing)
- Articles with images get 94% more views than those without (Source: MDG Advertising)
- Publishers who use infographics grow in traffic an average of 12% more than those that don’t (Source: NeoMam Studios)
- 79% of marketing leads never convert into sales. Lack of lead nurturing is the common cause of this poor performance (Source: Unbounce)
- Nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads (Source: Unbounce)
- Nurtured leads produce, on average, a 20% increase in sales opportunities versus non-nurtured leads (Source: Unbounce)
- Companies that blog 15 or more times per month get 5x more traffic than companies that don’t blog (Source: HubSpot)
- Companies that increase blogging from 3-5 times per month to 6-8 times per month almost double their leads (Source: HubSpot)
- The average content length for a web page that ranks in the top 10 results for any keyword on Google has at least 2000 words (Source: QuickSprout)
- If an article is greater than 1500 words on average it receives 68.1% more tweets and 22.6% more Facebook likes than a posted article that is under 1500 words (Source: QuickSprout)
- List posts get 200% more links than normal posts (Source: Moz)
- Videos get 267% more links than normal posts (Source: Moz)
- List posts with images get 333% more links than normal posts (Source: Moz)
- List posts with images and videos get 567% more links than normal posts (Source: Moz)
- Personalized emails improve click-through rates by 14%, and conversion rates by 10% (Source: iContact)
- 58% of your audience will stop watching a video within the first 90 seconds (Source: Explainify)
- Video keeps prospect customers on site up to 2 minutes longer (Source: SlideShare)
- 20% of people will read text while 80% of people will watch a video with the same exact content (Source: SlideShare)
- Viewers retain 58% of what they see, but only 10% of what they read (Source: SlideShare)
- Websites with video are 50 times more likely to be ranked on Google’s first page (Source: Wistia)
You should know where you are currently with your online business presence. Think about your first priority and focus on it. These stats will help you with that. Remember those are just tools, if you don’t use them, they won’t help you.
Some Hedge Fund Examples
The most easy to execute example is to add images to your website (and your manager letters). All the evidence suggests that your investors will be more engaged if you do.
A much bigger effort would be to add a blog. A blog will increase brand awareness, even in the hedge fund business. For example macro fund Archbridge Capital runs a blog called the Archbridge Capital Journal that attracts 3,000 visitors a month. Access to a blog can be password protected to ensure readers are pre-qualified, if that is required. By exception, even some successful hedge fund managers engage with social media. Quantitative Investment Management has hard closed its’ funds, but CEO Jaffray Woodriff still tweets (@JaffrayW) and has a blog on quant matters at
The SEC is expected to produce rules for the application of the JOBS Act to hedge fund marketing before the end of the year. It will be possible to overtly market hedge funds in the United States next year. Whilst large hedge fund management groups may stay aloof from retail customers, there will be small and medium sized hedge funds that will look to take advantage of the new marketing opportunities. Internet marketing will be part of that, social media will be part of it, and there will be a few newly emerging brand names in the hedge fund business by the middle of of 2015. Will one of them be yours?
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