7 Precepts For Shorting From Andrew Left of Citron Research

By Hedge Fund Insight staff


Andrew Left’s Citron Research seeks to expose companies whose management is in some way misleading investors. Left digs into SEC filings, financials, management histories and other data to uncover such situations, and he is usually short the stocks he writes about.


Here are his 7 Precepts for Shorting:

1. Keep an open mind

2. Only short profitable companies

3. Maintain a wide network of potential sources

4. Don’t panic if the stock doesn’t cooperate right away

5. Never give up on an idea

6. Be aware you will be swimming against the natural bias of markets

7. Be intellectually honest


In disclosing the above Andrew Left was speaking to Business Insider in May 2018.

His website is at www.citronresearch.com

Citron Research is a regular contributor to Seeking Alpha at https://seekingalpha.com/author/citron-research#regular_articles



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